
Customer Status

declinedApplication rejected, resubmission not allowed.
deactivatePreviously usable but later suspended.
rejectedApplication rejected, resubmission with corrections allowed.
unfinishedForm not completed.
finishedForm completed.
verifyingUnder verification.

Customer's Bank Account & Crypto Address Status

pendingThe address has been submitted but has not yet been scanned. It is in a queue awaiting processing.
scanningThe system is currently analyzing bank accounts/blockchain addresses and retrieving relevant blockchain data/sanctions lists.
completedThe scan has finished successfully, and the results are available.
failedAn error occurred during the scanning process, preventing the system from retrieving the necessary data.
declinedThe submitted bank account/blockchain address may raise doubts after searching relevant blockchain data/sanctions lists.

Transfer Status

pending_customer_transfer_startThe customer has not yet initiated their transfer to the instruction.
pending_customer_transfer_completeThe payment has been successfully received by the customer, and the off-chain funds are available for the customer. Only used for off-ramp (Fiat → Crypto) transfer.
pending_externalDeposit/withdrawal has been submitted to an external network but is not yet confirmed. Waiting for another external crypto network or a bank transfer to complete.
pending_harborDeposit/withdrawal is being processed internally by Harbor. This can also be used when Harbor must verify KYC information prior to deposit/withdrawal.
on_holdDeposit/withdrawal is currently on hold for additional checks after receiving the customer's funds. Used for compliance reviews or similar checks. Once cleared, the transfer resumes.
pending_customerThe customer must take additional action before the deposit/withdrawal can complete, such as an email or 2FA confirmation of a withdrawal.
completedDeposit/withdrawal fully completed.
refundedThe deposit/withdrawal is fully refunded.
expiredFunds were never received, and the transfer is considered abandoned by the customer.
errorCatch-all for any error not enumerated above.