To ensure the security and compliance of our services, every customer is assigned a verification status. Below is a detailed explanation of each status:

Customer StatusDescription
declinedThe customer has been rejected, and no further submissions are allowed.
deactivateThe customer was previously active but has since been suspended.
rejectedThe customer was rejected; however, you can reapply by submitting additional documents.
unfinishedThe form is incomplete and needs to be completed before it can be reviewed.
finishedThe form has been completed and is awaiting further action.
verifyingThe customer is currently under review.
verifiedThe customer has been successfully verified and approved.

Resubmission Eligibility

If the customer kyc status is rejected, unfinished, or finished, you can regenerate KYC link for the customer.

For assistance with the resubmission process, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

AML Compliance and Transaction Scanning

To ensure compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations, Harbor performs rigorous scans on every transfer transaction. This includes checks on the following:

  • Bank account information provided by customers
  • Blockchain addresses associated with the transaction

These scans are an essential part of our commitment to maintaining a secure and compliant platform.
However, please be aware that this process may occasionally result in delays for certain transactions.

We appreciate your understanding as we prioritize the security and integrity of our services.

For further questions or support, please contact us at [email protected].